Konstant Lab Filtered Bus Board
The Konstant Lab Filtered BusBoard is a low profile bus board with extra filtered output headers.
The bus board contains 18 (sideways variant) or 19 (upright variant) output headers. 12/13 direct headers with decoupling capacitors and 6 filtered headers with unique filtering circuits. Filtered headers are specially dedicated to feed analog modules that are sensitive/susceptible to power quality.
Decoupling capacitors and LC filters reject noise caused by PSU and digital modules by 70%. Two 4 ways DIP switches can tune filtration capacity when some PSU has starting problems with big capacity on output – especially handy if you have a lot of digital modules present in your system. Each power rail is protected against overvoltage for your modules and systems safety.
90% of the bus board area has only 11mm in height with inserted connectors. This feature makes Filtered bus board an ideal power distribution solution for skiff cases where depth is a concern.